Miranda House has been ranked no. 2 amongst colleges by NIRF Ranking 2024


The library remains open from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. throughout the year. During the examination days, the working hours are extended up to 7.30 p.m. for 45 days in each semester. The library remains closed on Sundays and all gazetted holidays.


  • Students may borrow books using their Identity card issued by the college. Loss of Identity card/library card should be immediately reported to the library or administration. A duplicate card may be obtained from the administration department.
  • The books from the stack are issued for above mentioned days only. For the issue of books, the Identity card is to be handed over at the Circulation Counter.
  • The ID card holder is liable for any damage, theft, or loss of any book issued to him/her.
  • The members are expected to return borrowed books on or before the due date stamped on the Date Label in the book. An overdue amount will be charged per volume. The rate of overdue charges is Rs.0.50 per day per volume.
  • Books lost or damaged shall have to be replaced or their triple price shall be charged from the borrower as per the library rules.
  • Readers and borrowers shall not write or put any mark upon a book, periodical, map, or any other material belonging to the library. Infringement of this rule may invite severe penalties including replacement of the book.
  • Students should get their bags etc. checked at the checkpoint and before entering the library. The library will not be responsible for any damage, loss, etc.
  • As the library is a place of individual study, it is necessary to maintain an atmosphere of quiet and dignity inside the library. Members are, therefore, reminded that conversation, consultation, and personal greetings inside the library are not permissible.
  • Cell phones and smoking is also not allowed in the library.



  • Seek the help of library staff if you are not able to locate/trace any book or reading material you are looking for. Each section is assigned to a library staff who can be contacted for help.
  • Library has Barcode technology. Library Kiosks can be used to locate the desired item.
  • At the time of taking possession of any book or reading material check and ensure that the same is in proper condition; any abnormality must be reported to the counter assistant immediately.
  • Stand in the queue while issuing or returning books, etc.
  • Observe absolute SILENCE in the library
  • Return issued books on time. If you need a book urgently, do reserves it in your name. You can get such a book as soon as it is returned to the library.


  • Users should not mark white on the reading materials, and should not temper/deface/mutilate it in any form.
  • Issued books are not allowed inside the library.
  • Users are not allowed to bring personal books & bags inside the library. All these must be deposited at the (Property Counter) located at the entrance of the library and may be collected on while returning.
  • You should not use other library cards/ID cards as these are Non-transferable.
  • Don't insert pencils or notebooks between the pages of a book especially when closing it.
  • Users should not speak or read loudly. Gossiping, sleeping, and chatting is also not permitted.
  • Users are not allowed to carry any books or reading materials outside the library without getting it issued.
  • Eatables and drinks are not allowed in the library.
  • Do not use the mobile phone in the library.
  • Photocopying of any book or reading material is also not permitted.