The Miranda House library is divided into various sections such as Library Office, Reading Hall, Reference Section, Technical Processing Section, Circulation Counter, Periodical section along with Archive Unit.

Library Office

Library Office is located on the Ground Floor of the Library. It has an office for the Librarian and other Library Staff.

Technical Processing

Technical Processing Section plays a key role in carrying out the functions of any library. The journey of any document in the library to reach its readers from the acquisition section. It is the acquisition section that acquires and it is the technical section that prepares these for use by the users. It makes a bridge between the acquisition of documents to the Circulation. This Section is located on the Ground Floor of the Library. This section strictly follows the principles of Osmosis, where Classification of books is done using Colon Classification (CC) and cataloguing of books following AACR-II.

Circulation Section

The circulation section is the gateway between the readers and the documents, so it plays a major role in any Library. The circulation section is the section that performs all the processes related to lending materials owned by the library to its users. The circulation Counter is located on the Ground Floor of the Library. It is manned full-time during working hours. Students can get their books issued & returned from this counter. The section also provides the facility of self-issue and return through a separate Kiosk. Students can obtain necessary information about the library, books, etc. from the circulation counter.

Reference Section

This section helps the users to identify and locate the information through various reference materials. The library maintains a separate reference collection consisting of fact-finding tools such as almanacs, atlases, biographical and language dictionaries, directories, handbooks, statistical compilations, encyclopedias, technical data, maps, etc. The reference books are not issued as a general policy, as they are meant for consultation only within the library. The library also provides the reprographic services in this section. The section-in-charge may be approached to provide or guide the users to the required information.

Periodical Section

The Periodicals Section is the place where needed information could be found in journals, magazines, newspapers, and other serials. The periodical section collects and manages the Journals, Periodicals, Newsletters, Bulletins, Reports, Seminar proceedings, etc. All these documents contain Firsthand information on current developments of a branch of knowledge. The Miranda House library is making every effort to procure the maximum journals on the subjects being taught in the college. The section also procures and manages the current newspapers and general magazines. The section also compiles and regularly updates the article index of the academic periodicals. This index is searchable through the Library OPAC. The Periodical Section of the MH Library subscribes to 51 journals and magazines.